Savvy Dealer is Tampa Florida’s newest Google Partner. We are happy to announce that Savvy Dealer just completed the final certification for Google’s Adwords PPC. This means that Savvy Dealer has reached full partnership status with Google. So what exactly are the requirements to achieve partner status?
Google Partners Requirements:
1. You have to manage at least $10,000 spend over a 90 Day period. This is the minimum which Savvy Dealer quickly exceeded.
2. You must have an MCC account. This account allows us to safely manage hundreds of Google Pay Per Click accounts from one web page.
3. Have at least two qualified Employees. The old rules allowed for only one but it’s now two people.
4. You have to demonstrate best practices. This is something new for Google Partnership status and a great one. Google can now check to see if you are properly setting up and managing client accounts.
What does this mean?
It means that the consultants at Savvy Dealer are trained in Advanced SEM practices and that to maintain this partnership they will have to continually renew these advanced certifications.
Not just Tampa Bay
Obviously most of Savvy Dealer is based out of Tampa Bay. We work primarily with Automotive Dealerships but we also work in many other fields, from Law to Chiropractic.
As we continue to help our clients navigate the mess that is Online Marketing, we are grateful to have the backing of Google. Below is our official partner page.